Contact Info

No. 9 Biscayne Street, South Fairview, Brgy. Fairview Park, Quezon City

(02) 83733468, 0949-8892016 (Smart), 0917-8614273 (Globe)

Upcoming Seminars

Accounting for Non-Accountants

April 01-04, 2025

Baguio City


Building and Enhancing Negotiation Skills

April 01-04, 2025

Baguio City

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What is POAP?

The participants of the first Personnel Officers Course of the then Bureau of Civil Service organized the Personnel Officers Association of the Philippines on May 6, 1957. Alumni of subsequent sessions of the course constituted the core members of the Association which was incorporated in 1960.

POAP extends membership to government officials and employees and to others who are interested in progressive personnel/human resources (HR) management of the Philippine bureaucracy.

The Association aims to foster active interest in sound public personnel management/HRM.It serves as a clearing- house for information on relevant personnel management/ HRM methods and techniques. It hopes to safeguard and vitalize the merit principle in the government service through the development of a corps of well- informed, forward- looking, responsible personnel management/ HRM officers, administrators and practitioners.


To be the Center of Excellence in developing and strengthening capabilities of human resources.

Mission Statements

Driven by the shared desire to enhance the competencies, knowledge and potentials of the human resources, the POAP shall relentlessly exert collegiate efforts to continuously provide globally competitive human resources development interventions.

Core Values

P - Professionalism
O - Outcome-oriented
A - Accountability
P - People-oriented

Goals and Objectives

  1. To conduct and champion programs for relevant and continuous human resources development.
  2. To advocate HR policies towards meritocracy and professionalism.
  3. To develop and sustain the spirit of collaborative working relationships among members, partners and stakeholders.